In order that they be first up against the wall when the revolution comes, this blog will place a curse on any racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, evangelical or otherwise nonsensical person that stumbles unwittingly across it.

It will also destroy the foundations of marriage and religion, put babies on spikes (min. 05:50), encourage various misspellings of the word "women", particularly those including "i", "y" or more than one "m" (preferably all three; a special prize for anybody spelling "wimmyn"), and encourage your favourite porn stars to become hairy-legged harpies wearing dungarees. However, it will allow them to remain topless on the grounds that bras are a cheap alternative to firewood, providing the electricity to power the site.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Going... Going....


I've capitulated; I'm moving to Wordpress.

In the best traditions of moving bloggers, I'll be leaving this site up for a while.

It's just that I realised whilst eating dinner earlier that the reason I haven't been blogging much is because I can't be arsed to use two different blog hosts at once; it confuses me and annoys me.

Since I've got the Sheffield Fems website to look after (and, to be honest, since you can do quite a lot with wordpress accounts, and they look better than blogger does) I reckon it makes sense for me to hop over.

I'm off there now, to make the new and improved version of this site look a bit more pretty!

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